Hypnosis is a pleasant state of relaxation combined with focused concentration for the purpose of communicating directly with the subconscious mind. The cause for many "bad habits" is rooted in memories or perceptions that may be forgotten by the conscious mind but retained in the subconscious.
Hypnosis helps to access the subconscious and change habits, beliefs, and behaviors effectively and efficiently. In a hypnotic state, the “thinking” part of the brain quiets - allowing for deep focus, resulting in either a light or deeper trance (both are ok). You will remain awake, aware and in-control throughout the entire process as the connection with the subconscious is facilitated using guided imagery.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that you experience daily. Common examples of hypnosis are daydreaming, watching a movie, playing a video game. To illustrate… when you are watching a movie, you are awake and aware of what’s going on around you while being intensely focused on the screen. You might wince or cry as a reaction to a scene in the movie even though you know that it’s all made up - just acting. Your conscious mind knows that it’s a dramatization but your conscious mind isn’t really completely “on” at that time. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between real or imagined and thus reacts. The focus you experience while watching a movie is the same that you will experience during a hypnosis session.
Trance is a familiar state of mind. You frequently experience a “trance” state throughout the day… watching a movie, driving, listening to a good audiobook, when you are worrying, and just before you fall asleep at night.
When a person is in a trance, the consciousness mind shifts from a place of intellectual, analytical function where the mind is busy and easily distracted to a more focused and concentrated state allowing for mental and emotional connections to be made at a subconscious level.
Some people experience very deep states of trance and others experience a very light trance. Whatever state you are in is where you need to be. During trance, you are aware of everything around you and will remember everything.
It is not possible to get “stuck” in a hypnotic state. Since you will be awake and engaged in the process, there is no need to be concerned that you are being controlled. You will remember everything that occurs in the session.
Watch this video about trance.
I get asked this question nearly every day and my answer is Yes, even you can enjoy a hypnotic state of mind. Even the busiest and most analytical minds are capable of being hypnotized. In fact, those with ADD or ADHD tend to do really well with hypnosis due to the super ability to hyper focus. If you are willing to participate and trust the process, you will very likely go into a state of hypnosis (which is really just a focused state rather than a "trance"). The more experience you have with hypnosis, the easier it is return to hypnosis.
Hypnosis is not recommend for those with personality disorders.
Watch this video to learn more
The type of hypnosis that I facilitate gives you the ability to make change for yourself rather than me making any attempt to control your mind. I will simply be your guide or facilitator as you do the journeying within your subconscious mind. It is not possible to be hypnotized against your will.
Since you will be alert, awake and aware during the entire session, you cannot be forced to do anything you don’t want to do. You have the freedom to get up and walk away at any point if you decide you need to. All hypnosis is self hypnosis.
Check out myYouTube video on this topic.
Most people experience a noticeable shift or change after just one session.
Since everyone is different, just as every issue is different, it is generally recommended to schedule more than one session to get the full benefit of hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a powerful and effective tool that can be used to address habits, fears, behaviors, emotional states, and limiting beliefs. It’s an incredible way to make deep and lasting change.
Hypnosis provides an opportunity to access and adjust the limiting beliefs that may be in the way of your success or fulfillment through working with the subconscious mind. There are many ways to make change in a trance state.A few examples include regressing to the origin of the feeling/behavior/limiting belief and then providing for the unmet need; reframing an event through seeing it from a different perspective; or anchoring in desired feelings or behaviors from which to resource when needed.
In a state of hypnosis, you can create authentic, enduring changes that will support your growth, health and personal journey.
Hypnosis can lead to emotional release, greater insight, change in behavior and so much more.
For habits like smoking and overeating or for fears, the results are evident immediately. For other issues like people pleasing, limiting beliefs, confidence, the results are more subtle and are typically noticed when engaged in an event that triggered such reactions in the past.
Changes can be immediate or it may take a few days or even weeks for the shift to be realized.
Watch this video to learn more.
Hypnosis is a natural state of mind that everyone is in and out of frequently during the day. (ie: driving, daydreaming, watching a movie, etc). Therefore, negative reactions to hypnosis are rare when facilitated by a skilled practitioner.
There is no need to be fearful of what may come up during a hypnosis session. Your subconscious is protective and it will not permit you to explore an event or memory from the past that would result in emotional hardship.
What is a Past Life Regression?
A Past Life Regression is based on the theory that the soul is made up of conscious energy that does not die when the physical body dies. Upon death, the soul is released from the body and ascends into a higher dimension known as the spirit realm, afterlife, heaven, etc. After some time is spent in the spirit realm, the soul chooses another physical body for which to incarnate.
What are the benefits of a Past Life Regression?
Many times a past life regression is sought for curiosity purposes. However, there is deep spiritual meaning in each experience as well as opportunities to become aware of one’s soul consciousness; the pain and struggles the soul has experienced which remain unresolved, and therefore have been carried over into the current life.
A past life regression session will provide you with insight and understanding of the patterns that are being repeated lifetime after lifetime. You may be able to resolve the emotional challenges behind these patterns so the patterns can be released. The purpose of repeating the pattern is to finish what was started; to bring matters to a close. When matters remain unresolved, soul consciousness creates similar situations to bring opportunities to fully resolve and bring closure to the original issue.
What Can You Expect from a Past Life Regression Session?
A past life regression is a powerful modality for personal growth and change. What’s really important to understand is that you do not need to believe in reincarnation to have a profound experience. When someone explores a past life through regression techniques, a story will usually unfold that is similar to what the person is emotionally, and sometimes physically, challenged with in their current life. This may cause the person to believe the story was fabricated. However, whether the story was fabricated as a fantasy or a metaphor to explain one’s current situation or whether it comes from a true past life experience, you will be able to experience the healing effects and changes that will come as a result of the session.
With nearly every Past Life Regression, there are emotions that feel very real and may resonate with the feelings of their current life challenges. Past life regression healing has been utilized in helping people heal physical and emotional pain, connect with their inner wisdom and understand their soul’s journey.
I’m nervous about what might come up? What if I discover something unpleasant about myself?
The subconscious is a great protector and will not guide you into a lifetime or experience that you are not ready to handle. Our minds have a built in protection mechanism which allows the process to be a gentle experience for you. If your experience feels like a difficult traumatic exploration of the past, it is because you are ready to acknowledge it and bring it to resolution. It may be of some comfort to understand that you can move through the Past Life Regression or particular memories from a third person point of view so that you are not experiencing any painful emotions. Instead, you are “watching” them.
Outline of a session (2.5-3 hours)
2 happy childhood memories from your current life
Womb regression
Past life
Significant events from past life relevant to your session goals/intention
Death scene
After death: leaving the body
Spirit realm: ancestors, spirit guides, life review, time of healing, reflection
I do not accept insurance. I can provide you with a receipt for your session(s) for you to submit to your insurance plan or to your health savings account. Note that I do not use billing codes that some insurance companies require. I suggest contacting your insurance provider to determine whether or not hypnosis is covered by your policy.
Session Outline Sample: (watch this video to learn more)
Pre-talk: a time for us to get to know one another and to talk about your session, the focus and more. I will answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.
Induction: a gentle, guided meditation to help you ease into the session through relaxation. The intention is to calm your “thinking mind” so that you can more easily access your “inner knowing” or subconscious.
Session: this is where the shift will occur. During the entire session you will remain awake, aware and responsive. Using your imagination, you will be guided to explore what’s important to you. We will engage in dialogue throughout the session. You will remember everything about the experience.
Emerging: when it’s time to wrap up your guided hypnosis, you will be gently grounded back into the present.
Hypnosis is experienced online quite easily and effectively.
Whether you are in the Journeys Hypnosis office or in your own home, your eyes will be closed and you will be focused inward rather than having awareness on your external environment.
Using ZOOM, you only need a camera and headphones with a microphone so that we can clearly connect and communicate. You can create ambience for yourself by playing meditation music and dimming the lights.
Many people prefer online hypnosis as it can be performed in the comfort of the home and the session can be recorded if requested.
There is little or no basis for most of the popular fears (Ie: it's evil, the mind can be controlled by another, etc) associated with hypnosis. Those fears tend to come from bad Hollywood movies. A hypnotist cannot gain control of another person’s will. In a state of hypnosis, the client remains awake, aware and in-control throughout the entire session.
Used ethically and responsibly, hypnosis is a method of inducing relaxation as a way of accessing the subconscious mind to open the door to deeper personal insight. It is important that you feel comfortable with the hypnotist prior to working with them.
Hypnosis can enhance your feeling of connection to something greater than yourself. You and only you will assign the meaning of the experience as you reflect on the insight gained during a session.
Trust Susanne to facilitate your process. Trust yourself. Trust your imagination. Trust the process.
Be open to the unexpected. Leave your expectations behind.
Enjoy the experience. Avoid analyzing the process while it is happening.
Refrain from the use of drugs and/or alcohol on the day of your session.
Limit your caffeine intake so that you can more readily move into a state of calm.
For an online session, create some ambience for yourself with dimmed lights, candles, gentle spa music, blankets, etc.
Know that you are not required to be perfectly still. It’s ok to scratch or stretch or wiggle. You can even step away to go to the bathroom.
Results do not magically happen. Hypnosis is a process of self-discovery and a commitment to yourself to do the deeper work. You must be motivated to make change for yourself.
Allow yourself a gentle time for self care following your appointment. Many people experience fatigue afterwards.