Your Inner-Child
You are enough
For the first seven years of your life, you are in a constant state of growth and learning . As a small child, you interpret the world based on the reactions of those who are in close proximity. All that you pick up during that stage of development is significant to how you will show up in life as an adult.
Inevitably, there were unmet needs that led to feelings of being unseen, unloved and insignificant. You likely experienced unexpected startles that might have evolved into fears or phobias. You might have observed events that created feelings of fear resulting in irrational behaviors. The behaviors might have emerged as a form of “protection” to prevent you from feeling those feelings another time.
All of it… every single experience, emotion, event, misunderstanding, mistreatment and more are stored in your subconscious. And when an event is triggered, you go right back to the initiating experience and react as if you were the very age you were when it happened.
Visiting with your inner-child through hypnosis is a sweet, tender and impactful experience. In such a state, you - as an adult- can provide for the unmet needs of your inner-child. You can rescue him/her/them from a situation, give her/him/them the love and attention needed, assure them that everything will be ok, invite them into your adult life, play a game, or just sit quietly and be present.
Since your subconscious doesn’t have an awareness of time… the outcome of providing for the inner-child is healing. The unmet need is met and the energy of the issue can be released.